Music & Arts
About Us
The Music & Arts Ministry of Faithful Central consists of seven worship ensembles: Voices of Faith, One Voice, FReSH Generation, as well as our Praise & Worship teams, Faithful Dance Company, FCBC Repertory Company and our Faithful Musicians. It is the endeavor of the Music & Arts Ministry to prayerfully seek God’s instruction and direction in encouraging and producing an atmosphere of authentic worship in the house. Although each ensemble offers a unique sound or expression of worship, together we are “one family in harmony”.
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Our mission is to magnify God by boldly declaring the good news of Jesus Christ through authentic praise and worship in the Spirit. Latrice Postell, Artistic Director.
We desire to lead the congregation into deeper worship, bringing God's people to His throne through musical excellence, creativity, and passion. K.C. Knight, Musical Director.
To nurture and utilize the gifts God has given us, so Christ can be glorified through us. To evangelize, making a difference for the cause of Christ, through our artistic expressions. Dino Shorté, Artistic Director.
The vision of this ministry is to support, equip and empower young adults to grow as disciples in Christ, contributing their gifts for building up the Kingdom of God through worship. Chris Cave, Director.
This dynamic choir consists of adult men and women who serve the Lord with gladness and come before His presence with singing. Donald Taylor, Director.
“But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him” (John 4:23).
This ministry comprises men and women committed to effective use of the ministry of music to enhance the corporate worship and praise service. They strive for excellence in communicating the “Good News” in song. Sonya Byous and Keith Allen, Directors.
Our heart’s mission is to see God through our worship, to hear God through our worship, to feel God through our worship and to know God through our worship—and we do it as, “one family in harmony”. Sonya Byous, Minister of Music.